Location & Travel Information
- Please refer to your acceptance email for important information about travel, transportation, hotel rooms, and training location details (if the training is not online)
Preparing for the BTTI
Materials You Need to Bring with You
- 3 Completed assessments (see above).
- Clinical notes about your training case and any other important information about your case. (Note: to protect your patient’s confidentiality, please be sure to white out the patient’s name and other potential identifiers on these documents.)
Additional Resources You May Find Helpful
Post Training
- After attending the program, you may go one to attendee three more group consultations that will be arranged during the last day of the training. After completing these, you can request that the faculty member send a confirmation of your attendance to training@iocdf.org. At that time, we will issue you a certificate of completion and you can have the appropriate BTTI credential listed on your professional listing (a benefit of a Professional Membership with the IOCDF)