Tania I Marrero PsyD

109 N Beaumont Ave
Kissimmee, Florida 34741
Accesibilidad ADA
Teléfono: 321-257-3960
Correo electrónico: drmarrero@positivemindsetgroup.com
Narrativa de Servicios:

We offer services to a diverse population of individuals from 2 up to 90+ years old. Currently, 20% of the population that we serve is related to OCD as a primary or secondary diagnosis. We offer also neuropsychological assessments and psychological assessments.

Treatment of Co-occurring Disorders:

Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, ADHD, PTSD. I am an EMDR certified therapist and EMDR-Child Specialist Certified therapist.

Descripción de capacitación:

As part of my training, I became certified in OCD in 2021 and have been assisting the population of OCD spectrum disorder since then with dedication and great interest.

Diversity Statement:

We are trained in cultural competency and we serve a diverse population within Central Florida.