Ashley Niemeyer PhD
I treat OCD in children, adolescents, and adults in an outpatient setting. Many clients who are referred with OCD have seen other practitioners and not found treatment to be effective. I enjoy introducing clients to exposure with response prevention because it is effective and works in a way that makes sense to patients. I particularly love working with children and their families because it is so rewarding to see the positive impact of treatment.
Facilities accessible by clients of all mobility levels: Yes
I received extensive graduate training in utilizing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and evidence-based treatments to treat anxiety disorders, including treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Following graduate school, I sought out additional trainings in the treatment of OCD in children and adults. All trainings focused on the use of Exposure with Response Prevention for the treatment of OCD symptoms.
Diversity Statement:
My graduate research focused on resilience in Spanish-speaking children and following graduate school I worked in community mental health primarily with Spanish-Speaking children and adolescents. I currently offer low cost spots for families who are in financial need.