Natalia B Kaplan LCSW

Trabajador/a Social
1160 Hazel Ave
Deerfield, Illinois 60015
Accesibilidad ADA
Teléfono: 312-625-8060
Correo electrónico:
Narrativa de Servicios:

While my primary focus is on CBT/ERP for OCD, I also serve patients that find benefit of CBT and ERP for anxiety, depression, and other struggles. I would say about 80% of my practice is dedicated to the treatment of clients with OCD and/or OC related disorders.

Descripción de capacitación:

My training in OCD began in 2018. I previously worked with a private group practice that offered me individual training and supervision in learning CBT/ERP. I received more formalized training through the IOCDF BTTI sessions.

Diversity Statement:

I really relate to first-generation folks, seeing as I am a first-generation Polish-American. I find this to be helpful experientially with a variety of populations. I have extensive work and experience with the the hispanic and latino communities. Being trilingual has offered many opportunities to explore and explain therapy to folks from a variety of cultures and backgrounds.

I have completed the SafeZone project training and find myself to be competent in treatment of gender-fluid and non-conforming individuals. The majority of my work aside from private practice is in community mental health, where I work with predominately under/un-insured and immigrant populations.