Alyson Marlow LCSW

Trabajador/a Social
445 Bellevue Avenue Suite 304B
Oakland, California 94610
Accesibilidad ADA
Teléfono: (415) 949-1589
Correo electrónico:
Narrativa de Servicios:

What sets me apart from other exposure therapists is my focus on self-compassion. I have come to realize a more holistic approach to therapy is the best approach and allows for more sustainable outcomes for my clients.
It is estimated I have treated over 50 people with OCD.

Tratamiento de trastornos concomitantes:

I have experience with serving clients with a dual diagnosis alongside OCD. Examples include substance use disorders, autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, PTSD, and eating disorders.

Descripción de capacitación:

I have been in the mental health field for over 12 years. I am a licensed clinical social worker with a bachelor’s degree in psychology from University of California, Riverside and a master of social work from San Jose State University. I currently work with OCD, trauma, codependency, substance abuse, anxiety, and depression.

Since 2022, I have been specializing in exposure therapy for treatment of OCD. I began training with supervision from the director at The Gateway Institute and have experience providing intensive outpatient treatment for individuals with moderate-severe OCD.

Declaración de diversidad:

I am incredibly privileged to be able to have experienced a variety of unique work opportunities including international social work, juvenile justice, working with childhood trauma, and service to several different communities: undocumented families, individuals with developmental disabilities, LGBTQIA, and the non-binary community. It was through these experiences I have worked alongside immigrant families, disadvantaged groups and people of color. As someone who comes from a multicultural family, I always have culture on the forefront of my mind as a service provider and invite conversations about culture.

My years of service to developing countries has given me extraordinary insight into different cultures. I take this wisdom with me in my therapy sessions and have a special ability to connect and communicate with people of many backgrounds. In Bolivia, I served individuals living in rural underserved areas. I was a part of the team that facilitated workshops related to health. In The Philippines I served as a Peace Corps Volunteer at a correctional facility for youth.