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By Elise of (the ocdopus)

The Annual OCD Conference is an amazing event for those affected by obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and related disorders. Held this year in Orlando, FL, the conference offers a wealth of educational sessions, support groups, activities, and networking opportunities. However, attending can be an expensive endeavor, especially when factoring in travel costs. Since I love to travel on a budget, I wanted to share some tips for how to lighten the financial load.

If you're looking to attend The Annual OCD Conference on a budget, here are some tips that have worked for me over the four conferences I've been to:

  1. Grocery Haul - Eating out can add up over four days, so stop at a Walmart or similar store to stock up on groceries for your hotel room on your way there. Breakfast will also be free every morning, with some snacks and light refreshments during some different afternoon and evening events. I’m not afraid of a microwave meal. It also gives me time to decompress in my room, and not have to worry about getting out to eat and back before the next activity starts. It’s also going to be really hot because it’s Orlando in late July, so staying inside is fine with me.
  2. Use Hopper to Track Flights - This is not a sponsored post, I just really like this app. If you have to fly to get to Orlando, Hopper will not only track all the flights that day, it will also recommend if you should buy, or wait. This is different than Google flights, which will track a SPECIFIC flight. However, I don't recommend booking flights through third-party sites. Use Hopper to figure out when to buy, and then book on the airline’s website directly.
  3. Find a Roommate - There are often attendees looking to share a hotel room and cut costs. You can try posting on social media or commenting on different posts you see about the conference, and share that you are looking for a roommate.
  4. Volunteer for the IOCDF - By volunteering at the conference, you can earn a free registration, which can really help. This also helps you feel more connected to the IOCDF community! This really helped me when I went to the Austin conference. Just apply ASAP, this can be competitive at times. The Deadline to submit an application to volunteer is May 1st. Learn more here:
  5. Apply for a scholarship - The IOCDF has a need-based scholarship program, and some state affiliates offer scholarships too. Reach out to your local state affiliate if you have one and find out if they have conference scholarships. More information on scholarships is available here: https://bit.ly/3Ujwc2E.

Do you have any other tips for attending the IOCDF conference on a budget? Share them in the comments below!

I’ll see you there!

Register for The Annual OCD Conference at: iocdf.org/ocdcon.


  • Salut a toutes tous chères! J’ai trouver centre reseaux fiable et qui aime le bien etre de tout personne!! Merci a vous


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