View our 2016 OCD Week Video Contest Finalists Below!
This Old Ghost — by Liz Smith
“This Old Ghost” was developed from a poem written by James Lloyd. James is a writer and science journalist in the UK and has suffered with OCD since childhood. Working with filmmaker and animator Liz Smith, together they turned his poem into this film with the aim of using it to build awareness of what living with OCD feels like and to help bust myths around what OCD is.
I’m On My Way — by Rachel Gesner
To enter, simply upload an original video of your creation to Youtube and fill out the information below. Please be sure to include the hashtag #OCDWeek as part of your video’s title on Youtube.
I co-wrote this song to help kids with OCD. It is an inspirational song based on my own experience and feelings about OCD. It is important to make people understand that there is always hope and to never doubt it. It can also help kids with disabilities and other disorders.
Videos must be no longer than 10 minutes in length, and be appropriate for all audiences (PG-rated). Videos must be uploaded between Monday, August 1, 2016 and no later than Monday, October 3, 2016 at 5pm EST and must include the hashtag #OCDweek in their title to qualify.
OCD Is Not A Quirk — by Shania MacIsaac
Living with obsessive-compulsive disorder can interfere with many simple everyday tasks that no one without OCD would give a second thought about, let alone a twentieth thought. It is a real illness that shouldn’t be joked about. I’m hoping this video will help show people that OCD is not a quirk, it’s a disorder. Hopefully this video will help bring positive, educational awareness to obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Ya I Got OCD — by Cliff Dublin
“I have OCD and Aspberger’s. I like things that are fast and loud. I love fast cars and rock and roll, and I write songs. This video is of my song ‘Ya I Got OCD Don’t You Pick on Me.’ Its about what OCD is really like. I don’t pretty things up. My therapist and I made the video together.