In 2008, with Patti Perkins ending her tenure as the Executive Director of the Foundation, she became the recipient of the organization’s first award: A Lifetime Achievement Award. Subsequently, this award has been recast to recognize long-term service to the IOCDF as a Service Award. In 2010, to encourage more students, trainees and junior investigators to come to the conference we began awarding three poster travel awards. In 2011 we gave out our inaugural Career Achievement Award to Dr. Edna Foa, and in 2012 we launched our “Hero Award”. In 2014, recognizing the impact of media on stigma, we want to acknowledge and recognize anyone in the media who is making a difference in how the general public views OCD. Finally, in 2019 we launched the IOCDF Youth Hero Award Presented by UNSTUCK.
More information about each of these awards, the criteria used, nomination process, etc. are articulated below.
IOCDF Career Achievement Award
This award is intended to highlight the significant and notable contributions of a professional in the field of OCD and related disorders.
- 2009* Michael Jenike, MD
- 2010* Jonathan Grayson, PhD
- 2011 Edna Foa, PhD
- 2012 Wayne Goodman, MD
- 2013 Gail Steketee, PhD and Randy Frost, PhD
- 2014 Steven Rasmussen, MD
- 2015 John Greist, MD
- 2016 Fugen Neziroglu, PhD and Jose A. Yaryura-Tobias, MD
- 2017 Susan Swedo, MD
- 2018 Judy Rapoport, MD
- 2019 Isaac Marks, MD
- 2022 James Leckman, MD, PhD
- 2023 Katharine Philips, MD
- 2024 Alec Pollard, PhD
*The current Career Achievement Award was called the "Lifetime Achievement Award" in 2009 and 2010
IOCDF Patricia Perkins Service Award
Named after Patricia Perkins – co-founder, past president of the Board of Directors and previous executive director – this award is intended to honor any professional or IOCDF member who has stood out as a long-time (10+ years) and active contributor to the IOCDF in multiple ways.
- 2011 Fred Penzel, PhD
- 2012 Joy Kant (IOCDF Board of Directors and Past President)
- 2013 Ina and Julian Spero (OCD New Jersey)
- 2014 Wendy Mueller
- 2015 James Claiborn, PhD
- 2016 Barry Thomet
- 2017 Elizabeth McIngvale, PhD, LMSW; Jeff Bell
- 2018 Alec Pollard, PhD
- 2019 Reid Wilson, PhD
- 2022 Sabine Wilhelm, PhD
- 2023 Monnica Williams, PhD
- 2024 Michael Jenike, MD, posthumously
IOCDF Illumination Award
This award honors media personalities (TV, Film, Radio, Internet, Broadcast or Print journalism) who have represented OCD and/or related disorders in a respectful, accurate, and appropriate way, and/or who have challenged stereotypes and helped to fight stigma around mental health issues. These awards will be announced leading up to the conference, and award winners will be invited.
- 2014 Maria Bamford
- 2015 David Adam
- 2016 John Green
- 2017 Corey Hirsch
- 2018 Marc Summers
- 2019 Lily Bailey
- 2023 "Lauv" Ari Staprans Leff
- 2024 Scheana Shay
IOCDF Hero Award
This award is intended to recognize any individual that has stood out as a particularly effective advocate for OCD and related disorders or who helped raise awareness of these disorders. This could include a series of activities and contributions or a significant one-time contribution in the past year. This award is intended for non-mental health professionals.
- 2012 Denis Asselin
- 2013/14 Margaret Sisson
- 2015 Chris Trondsen/Kevin Putman
- 2016 Alison Dotson
- 2017 Chrissie Hodges
- 2018 Stuart Ralph
- 2019 Thomas Smalley
- 2022 Kyle King
- 2023 Kim Vincenty
- 2024 Catherine Benfield
IOCDF Youth Hero Award presented by UNSTUCK: an OCD kids movie
This award is intended to recognize any youth (under 18) that has stood out as a particularly effective advocate for OCD and related disorders or who helped raise awareness of these disorders. This could include a series of activities and contributions or a significant one-time contribution in the past year.
- 2019 Alyssa Weninger
- 2022 Alex Rosenberg
- 2023 Jayden Helberg
- 2024 Noemi Tsai
Learn more about the IOCDF Youth Hero Award presented by UNSTUCK >>
Outstanding Research Poster Awards
The intention of these awards is both to promote excellence in OCD and related disorders research and also to encourage young investigators to attend the conference and stay in the field of OCD and related disorders research.
Chanelle Salonia
Fielding University
Title: A pilot study of peer support groups for individuals with OCD on a waitlist for treatment: A mixed methods study
Jeanmarie R. Harvey
New York University Grossman School of Medicine & Nathan S. Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research
Title: $100 now or more money later? Comparing delayed discounting in obsessive compulsive disorder and major depressive disorder
Lauren Milgram
University of Miami
Title: A network of obsessive-compulsive symptom dimensions and transdiagnostic risk factors
Nicolette L. Recchia
New York University School of Medicine & Nathan S. Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research
Title: Interoceptive dimensions in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder with and without comorbid depression
Ethan Schweissing
Baylor College of Medicine
Title: Family Planning and OCD: Exploring the relationship between OCD severity and behaviors related to reproductive decision making
Kara Kelley
American University
Title: Family accommodation in intensive/residential treatment for adults with OCD
Amanda Belanger
New York University Medical School
Title: Dimensions of Interoception Predict Suicidality in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Lauren Breithaupt, PhD
Massachusetts General Hospital
Title: Obsessive-compulsive and pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome symptoms common among adolescents with avoidant restrictive food intake disorder
Ana Maia, MD
Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown
Title: Volumetric analysis of the cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical circuitry in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Barbara Medea, PhD
Newcastle University
Title: Psychological constructs underpinning Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviours
Kylie Baer
VA San Diego Research Service
Title: The Relationship between Perfectionism and Cognitive Flexibility in Participants with Hoarding Disorder
Heidi Ojalehto
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Title: Patient Adherence as a Predictor of Outcome from ERP: Obsessive-Compulsive Symptom Dimensions and Maintenance Factors
Danielle Cooke, MS
University of Florida
Title: A Preliminary Evaluation of Clinician Perspectives on Hoarding Disorder
Rachel Silver
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Title: Investigating the Role of Responsibility Attitudes and Perceived Stress in Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms in the Perinatal Period
Carly Parsons, MA
The University of British Columbia
Title: An Initial Investigation of Online Reassurance-Seeking
Elvis Coimbra-Gomes, MA
Queen Mary University of London
Title: Linguistic Construction of Ego-Dystonic Stance in Sexual Orientation OCD
Emma Turner
University of Connecticut
Title: The Impact of Multiple Stigma on Obsessive-Compulsive Symptom Dimensions: The Compounding Effects of Minority Racial/Ethnic and Sexual/Gender Status
Omer Linkovski, PhD
Stanford University
Title: Effects of Rapastinel (formerly GLYX-13) on Serum Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Christian Archer
University of Florida College of Medicine
Title: Functional Impairment and Perceptions of Memory in Hoarding Disorder
Caitlin Brown, MS
University of Miami
Title: Clutter across cultures: An examination of measurement invariance across English and Spanish versions of the Hoarding Rating Scale
Alexandra Volpacchio, MA
William James College
Title: Alarmingly Low Rates of Utilization and Knowledge of Exposure and Response Prevention for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Among Mental Health Providers
Morgan Browning
University of Florida
Title: Exploring the Impacts of Depression, Comorbidity, and Symptom Domains on OCD-Related Functional Impairment
Omer Linkovski, PhD
Stanford University
Title: Can Priming Inhibitory Control Affect Resolution of Uncertainty?
Aki Tsuchiyagaito, MA
Fukushima Medical University, Japan
Title: OCD with and without ASD: Do Differential Brain Alterations Predict CBT Outcomes?
Caitlin Choy
UCLA Child OCD, Anxiety and Tic Disorders Program
Title: Exposures in CBT for Childhood OCD: Addressing Common Clinician Concerns
Wendy den Dunnen, Med
IWK Health Centre, Canada
Title: Reductions in Family Accommodation Subtypes following Parent-Based Intervention
Zohaib Jessani
Bradley Hospital/The Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University
Title: Differences in executive functioning in pediatric OCD based on symptom dimensions
Maria Bolshakova
University of Florida
Title: The Parent Trap: The Impact of Negative Parental Reactions and Behaviors on Pediatric OCD
Samantha Asofsky
University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill
Title: Predicting Obsessive-Compulsive Symptom Dimensions from Obsessive Beliefs and Anxiety Sensitivity
Goi Khia Eng
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Title: Structural Brain Differences in OCD -- A Voxel-based Morphometry Study
Andrew G. Guzick
University of Florida
Title: The link between ADHD-like inattention and obsessive-compulsive symptoms during treatment for children with OCD
Terence H. W. Ching, MSocSci.
Center for Mental Health Disparities, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, University of Louisville
Title: Importance/Control of Thoughts Moderates the Relationship between Contamination Disgust and Sexual Orientation-OCD Symptoms: Avoiding Sexual Orientation Transformation?
Sophie Schneider
Macquarie University, Australia
Title: Symptoms of body dysmorphic disorder in a community sample of adolescents
Andrew G. Guzick
University of Florida
Title: In vivo exposure therapy use among providers who treat youth with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Brianna Wellen
Rhode Island Hospital/Brown Medical School
Title: Reliability and Validity of the Pediatric Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire in Young Children with OCD
Johanna Schulte, MS
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany
Title: Treatment situation and treatment barriers among individuals with Body Dysmorphic Disorder in Germany - Results of an internet-based self-test
Stephanie Taillefer, MA
Ryerson University, Canada
Title: Group Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Hoarding Disorder Utilizing Non-Clinician In-Home Coaches
Adam Reid, MS
University of Florida
Title: Do SSRI Adverse Events Interfere with Multimodal Treatment for Pediatric OCD?
Monica Wu
University of South Florida
Title: Assessing Clinically Significant Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms in Youth with Autism Spectrum-Disorders
Brittney Dane
University of South Florida
Title: “I Saw it on the Internet”: Treatment Preferences in Pediatric Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Adam Reid, MS
University of Florida
Title: Self-Regulation and Other Executive Functions Relationship to Pediatric OCD Severity and Treatment Outcome
Sarah Garnaat, PhD
Brown University
Title: Stability of Severe OCD: Implications for Neurosurgical Intervention
Kimberly Glazier, MA
Yeshiva University
Title: 50 Percent of OCD Cases Misidentified by Primary Care Physicians
Kimberly Glazier, MA
Yeshiva University
Title: Taboo Thoughts OCD: Frequently Misidentified by Clinicians
Daniel Steinberg
University of Houston – Clear Lake
Title: Clinician Stigma and Obsessive Thoughts: The Role of Thought Content and Experience
Joseph McGuire, MA
University of South Florida
Title: Dysregulation in Pediatric OCD: An Examination of Symptom Severity, Impairment, and Treatment Outcome
Stephanie Taillefer
Ryerson University, Canada
Title: Medication Sequencing in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD): Predictors of Pharmacotherapy Response in OCD Patients Who Failed to Respond to a Previous SSRI Trial
Jennifer Greenberg, PsyD
Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School
Title: The Role of Allocentric and Egocentric Beliefs in Olfactory Reference Syndrome
Jason Krompinger, PhD
McLean Hospital/Harvard Medical School
Title: Early Response is Predictive of Treatment Outcome in IRT for OCD
Kimberly Rinehart
University of Houston – Clear Lake
Title: Mental Healthcare Utilization among Latinos: A Review of Clinical Studies for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Samantha Farris
University of Pennsylvania
Title: The Myth of the Pure Obsessional: Compulsions in Taboo Thoughts
Wei Li
University of California – Los Angeles
Title: Fractional Anisotropy Differences of the Inferior Fronto-Occipital Fasciculus in Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Nicole Caporino, MA
University of South Florida
Title: Family Accommodation in Pediatric Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Brandon Barrios
University of California, San Diego
Title: Neurocognitive Deficits in Compulsive Hoarding
Hayley Moller
University of California, Los Angeles
Title: Inverted Face Processing in Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Jeannette M. Reid
University of South Florida
Title: Auxiliary Y-BOCS Features Relate to OCD Presentation, Impairments and Treatment