Julie Schultheis LPC
Approximately 70% of my practice consists of clients with OCD and related disorders. I have over 16 years of experience treating OCD, panic disorder, phobias, and GAD in adults. My practice expanded a decade ago to include adolescents and those suffering with TS. Trained in S.P.A.C.E., a parent oriented OCD treatment for children, by Dr. Eli Lebowitz director of Anxiety program at Yale Child Studies Center.
Treatment of Co-occurring Disorders:
Oftentimes OCD, TS and ADHD occur together and treatment is available for each or all. Collaboration with a psychiatrist can be used for impulse issues and reduction in anxiety to maximize the usefulness of these therapies.
16+ years of using ERP to treat OCD. Completed trainings by experts such as Dr. Aureen Pinto Wagner, Dr. David Burns, Dr. Patrick McGrath, Dr. Douglas Woods and Dr. Eric Storch. Completed IOCDF’s inaugural advanced training BTTI and 2022 Complex Case Symposium for Pediatrics & Adolescents. Served as board member for OCD Georgia.