Partner Organizations
- Jennifer Raikes, Executive Director
The TLC Foundation for BFRBs - Gabriella True, President
Alliance to Solve PANS & Immune-Related Encephalopathies (ASPIRE) - Lauren McKeaney, Founder & CEO
Picking Me Foundation - Jeff Szymanski, PhD, Executive Director
International OCD Foundation
Speakers & Advocates from the OCD and Related Disorders Community
- Tawana Watson
- Micah Howe
Tawana Watson and Micah Howe will share their perspectives as advocates with lived experiences of having OCD. Tawana is the founder of My Sisters Keeper of Northeast Ohio and has been a panelist at IOCDF Townhall events. Micah is a founding member of OCD Iowa, and has served as State Captain for Iowa at the National Council for Behavioral Health’s annual Hill Day.
Advocacy Training
- Vinay Krishnan
Vinay Krishnan is a writer, attorney, and activist living in Brooklyn. He is the National Field Organizer for the Center for Popular Democracy, where he helps lead campaigns to end the overdose epidemic and achieve Medicare for All. Vinay is a mental health advocate for the International OCD Foundation and the National Alliance on Mental Illness. Vinay’s fiction recently appeared in Barren Magazine. His non-fiction recently appeared in SLAM Magazine.