The group is composed of Professionals who have expertise in treating OCD and express an interest in Autism as well as treating OCD in these patients. We also include and welcome those with lived experiences, including people with autism, family and caregivers. We meet at the annual IOCDF conference as well as periodic meetings throughout the year. We present roundtable conference and trainings at the IOCDF Annual Conference. We have held regional conferences including a CEU educational seminar, have published papers in peer-review journals as well as IOCDF newsletter articles, Advanced BTTI training, and plan on adding regular town hall meetings.

SIG Leadership:

Robert Hudak, MD
Jonathan Hoffman, Ph.D.
Fred Penzel, Ph.D.
Rebecca Sachs, Ph,D.
Josh Nadeau, Ph.D.


  • Presented at Advanced BBTI on OCD/Autism in Boston
  • Held conference on OCD/Autism in Pittsburgh for professionals and public
  • Conducted preconference for professionals on OCD/Autism at IOCDF Annual Conference
  • Participated in numerous podcasts and panels on ASD/OCD
  • Invited persons with lived experience to be vital voices in IOCDF’s OCD/Autism SIG


  • Adding quarterly townhall meetings where we can both disseminate information and listen and learn from those with lived experiences
  • Additional regional conferences in online formats
  • Developing special section on OCD/Autism for IOCDF Website
  • Publication of peer-review papers on this topic to increase awareness

Want to Join the OCD/Autism SIG?

This is an open group that welcomes all with expertise, interest in, lived experience, or some combination thereof regarding Autism and co-occurring OCD. The group’s mission is to share ideas, support one another, promote research, and increase awareness, advocacy, and access to care. Please complete this interest form to receive meeting information and updates.
This group is currently seeking blogs from persons with lived experience. If you are interested in submitting a blog, email