The Trauma & PTSD in OCD Special Interest Group is comprised of professionals and people with lived experience with trauma, OCD, and PTSD. This group is dedicated to advancing knowledge and disseminating information about trauma, OCD, and PTSD to other professionals, people with lived experience, families and supports, and the public. We aim to provide a compassionate, supportive, evidence-based environment in which people who are passionate about effective treatment for individuals with trauma, OCD, and PTSD can access resources and remain informed about this growing body of research and clinical practice.
SIG Leadership:
Lauren Wadsworth, PhD (Co-Chair)
Nathaniel Van Kirk, PhD (Co-Chair)
Current and/or Future Initiatives:
Is this group open to new members:
Additional information about group:
This group is open to new members. Please fill out the interest form to receive meeting information. If you have additional questions, please email: