Donate Stock

We gratefully accept gifts of stock, real estate, or other appreciated assets. When you gift appreciated stock, bonds, or mutual funds to support the IOCDF, you receive a charitable deduction and you avoid the capital gains tax on the gift. Your charitable deduction will be equal to the full market value of the stock. This makes appreciated asset donations one of the most tax-efficient ways to support the IOCDF and its mission of helping those affected by obsessive compulsive disorder and related disorders live full and productive lives.

To make a gift of stock, please contact your broker or fill out your information in the widget below. There is a minimum of $500 for stock donations via the widget. If your broker is not listed as a supported firm, please select “other” and you will receive an email from The Giving Block with further instructions and documentation. Once your stock donation via the widget is received and processed, you will receive a tax receipt.

If you have any questions or would like to speak with someone about your gift, please contact Kristen Lynch, Senior Development Manager, at


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