Mary-Eugenia Brizuela LMHC
Mary specializes in treating anxiety disorders and OCD. Mary is the co-founder of Anxiety Center of Tampa, a behavioral health practice providing exclusive services to individuals with anxiety disorders and obsessive-compulsive related disorders. She specializes in providing typical weekly individual sessions, but is also able to provide intensive sessions in the office, community, or in the home as needed.
Mary-Eugenia Brizuela is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in the state of Florida. Mary has over 8 years of experience in the mental health field and has specialized in the treatment of anxiety disorders and OCD related disorders over the past 5 years. Mary received extensive training in providing ERP treatment while she worked at Rogers Behavioral Health in the Anxiety/OCD Intensive Outpatient Program for adults and in the Anxiety/OCD Partial Hospitalization Program for children and adolescents. Mary has also completed the Behavioral Therapy Training Institute (BTTI) program in Austin, TX.