Carrie Chiasson PsyD

15 Trafalgar Square
Suite 202
Nashua, New Hampshire 03063
Narrative of Services:

Since the completion of my internship in 2014, I have worked in two private practices where I provide Cognitive Behavioral Therapy including the use of exposure and response prevention (ERP) for individuals with OCD and Anxiety Disorders. Approximately 25-30% of my current practice are individuals with OCD or OC Related disorders where upwards of 50% are those with other anxiety disorders.

Facilities accessible by clients of all mobility levels: Yes

Training Description:

I completed an APA-accredited internship at Family Service and Guidance center, a community mental health center for youth in Topeka, KS, where I received specialized training in the treatment of anxiety and OCD. It was through this evidence-based Anxiety Treatment Program that I became well-versed in CBT and exposure with response prevention for OCD and OCD spectrum disorders. Since then, I have attended various workshops on the treatment of anxiety and OCD, particularly as it is applied with children and adolescents.