Nancy M. DeMuth PhD, MBA
Dr. DeMuth specializes in treating adults with depression, anxiety, panic, ADHD, OCD, mid-life, coping with chronic disease, grief, preparing for surgery, career/executive coaching, lifestyle changes, and wellness. She has attended seminars and courses on treating OCD and other mental illnesses, and ethics.
Dr. DeMuth has practiced in Central PA for over 25 years. She received her doctorate in Counseling/Clinical Psychology at the University of Utah, an MBA in Health Care/Organizational Behavior from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. She has held faculty positions at PSU and the Johns Hopkins University. She also completed a post-doctoral fellowship in Behavioral Medicine/Health Research at The Johns Hopkins University. She has written numerous articles, book chapters, national presentations on wellness, health promotion, career management, hypertension control, and psychotherapy's cost-effectiveness and Adult ADHD. She is also trained in Peggy Huddleston's Prepare for Surgery/Heal Faster Program and uses mind-body and cognitive behavioral techniques to promote healing and wellness. She is a member of the International OCD Foundation, CHADD, APA, PPA, LLPA, and Anxiety Disorders Association.