Melissa R. Eckroth MS, LPC, NCC, BC-TMH
My practice comprises of at least 50% clients with OC related disorders, and I specialize in Christian Counseling so religious and moral scrupulosity are a predominate theme for many of my clients.
Depression. Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Phobias, Social Anxiety Disorder, Grief.
I have treated individuals with anxiety and depression for over 9 years and have focused specifically on OCD and OCD Spectrum disorders for the past 3 years. I am trained in ERP and HRT through my former professional affiliation with NOCD and actively pursue additional continuing education.
I have worked with diverse cultural backgrounds and have multicultural competence in both theory and practice. While I practice from principles of a Biblical worldview, I recognize and respect that others may have different beliefs and it is my intent to draw upon my clients’ current belief system to assist them in their life circumstances.
As the Director of Counseling for a ministry geared towards at-risk youth and families, our doors were opened to all individuals and families regardless of their background or income, and payment was based solely on donation.
During my role in a College Counseling Department, I counseled students of various gender, ethnic and racial backgrounds.