Natalie Henry LCSW
Anxiety and OCD Unstuck Therapy specializes in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Exposure and Response Prevention for anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and related disorders for children (8+), teens and adults. I believe that each person is unique and that counseling strategies must be focused on meeting each individual’s needs.
I have over 7 years of experience working with a wide range of clients including children, adolescents, university students, and adults of all ages. I have experience helping clients manage a range of concerns including OCD, BFRBs, tics/tourettes, anxiety, worry, panic attacks, social anxiety, phobias, body dysmorphia, insomnia and depression. I am a certified CBT therapist through the Academy of Cognitive Therapy. I am trained in CBT, ERP, CoMB, Habit Reversal, CBIT and the OCD BTTI certification through the OCD foundation.