Noah Laracy PsyD

1180 S Beverly Drive, #401
Los Angeles, California 90035
Narrative of Services:

Our practice is about fifty percent OCD and the OCD spectrum. I have treated between 100-150 people with OCD.

Facilities accessible by clients of all mobility levels: Yes

Training Description:

I had three years of supervised training in treating OCD and the OCD spectrum. I have attended IOCDF three times, and have presented there each time. I also did the Reid Wilson training in treating anxiety disorders. I specializes in utilizing third-wave cognitive and behavioral interventions like ACT.

Diversity Statement:

I welcome all races, religions, countries of origin, sexual orientations, and genders. I stand with you and you are safe with me and my center.

I have extensive multicultural training as a part of my doctoral program, and have worked with all types of people.