Kathryn E. Moore PhD, LP

8646 Eagle Creek Circle
Suite 105
Savage, Minnesota 55378
ADA Accessible
Narrative of Services:

I provide assessment and treatment to youth ages 0-18 for a wide variety of presenting issues including anxiety such as OCD, specific phobia, generalized anxiety, school refusal, Trichotillomania, and tics. My treatment is individually-tailored to the needs of each child or adolescents. I do consult with parents and teachers as needed and include them when appropriate to support the treatment efforts. I am in private practice but coordinate with other therapists, psychiatrists, and physicians to facilitate care.

Training Description:

I have over 15 years of experience treating childrena and adolescents with OCD and/or OC related disorders. I have been trained in the use of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and specifically Exposure and Repsonse Prevention (ERP) strategies to reduce symptoms of OCD. I have also been trained in habit reversal training for the treatment of tic disorders. My training occurred in graduate school as well as in additional continuing education workshops since graduation (e.g., most recently, I attended a two day workshop entitled “Treating Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents”)