Lauren Spencer MS, LMFT
It is my goal as a clinician to help clients finally feel truly hopeful in their journey with OCD. About 75% of my practice is dedicated to the treatment of OCD, using research-backed approaches. I also work with illness anxiety, general anxiety, and relationship concerns. My style of therapy includes lots of education, sprinkles of humor, and plenty of discussion of self-compassion alongside effective , OCD specific treatment options.
I also offer trainings on OCD for clinicians to gain foundational information about treating this disorder.
Treatment for general anxiety, panic, and health anxiety are also offered and approached with Acceptance Commitment Therapy.
It is my goal as an OCD clinician to be able to offer multiple treatment options to my clients. As such, I have been trained in Acceptance-Commitment Therapy for OCD and Anxiety disorders, Inference-Based CBT for OCD, and Exposure-Response Prevention by a BTTI certified therapist. I primarily use ACT and ICBT with clients. Additionally, I have extensive background in how the family system is impacted by OCD and other relational concerns given my graduate training as a Marriage and Family therapist.
Providing compassionate, informed care that values the unique differences of every individual is an integral aspect of my practice.
My graduate program as a whole highlighted the importance of cultural competency and humility. During my graduate practicum, I was privileged to work with those from diverse financial as well as cultural backgrounds.