Debbie M. Warman PhD, HSPP, ABPP
I work with adults (individuals age 18 and up) with anxiety disorders and OCD. Approximately 80% of my clinical practice is treating OCD. Treating OCD has been the focus of my practice for over a decade. I stay active in the field through my own research, through attending conferences, and through continued trainings.
My practice focuses on CBT for anxiety disorders and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I am Board Certified in Behavioral and Cognitive Psychology and a Certified Cognitive Therapist. I am a graduate of the OCD Foundation’s Behavor Therapy Training Institute (BTTI), a training specific to treating OCD. I also received specialized training in CBT at The University of Pennsylvania. I am committed to helping people with OCD work through their challenges to get closer to the life they’ve been hoping for.