Are you seeking to navigate your OCD while remaining connected to your faith community? Have you ever felt like you had to choose between your religious space and clinical mental health treatment? Have you ever struggled with whether to turn to a faith leader or mental health practitioner? This special interest group will provide a safe space for individuals of ALL religious traditions to share about their experiences with OCD, as well as ways this has impacted their connection to a faith community. We will focus on seeking to understand the needs of the faith and mental health community. We will also begin to form a community where your beautiful faith and mental health treatment can work together.


Rev. Dr. Katie O'Dunne, Lead Advocate
Carolyn Ringenberg
Annie Gottesman
Kimberly Bullard


This SIG helped create the "individuals with OCD" section for the new IOCDF Faith & OCD website. The SIG is continuing to work on advocacy initiatives, including the IOCDF Faith/Mental Health Conference, IOCDF Faith/OCD Roundtables, and community advocacy initiatives. We currently have about 100 members, and all are welcome!


This SIG meets the second Monday of every month at 7PM EST via Zoom. We include time for story sharing, break-out community groups, and advocacy collaboration. Individuals with OCD, clinicians, and clergy from all religious/spiritual traditions are welcome to join us!

Want to Join the Faith & OCD SIG?

This group is open to new membership. Individuals with OCD, clinicians, clergy, families, and everyone...are welcome! Click here to fill out this interest form to receive more information on ways to get involved.