Free, Zoom – OCD Support Sessions (Private, one-on-one)

Support Group
Contact: Kyra L Cheung
Phone: 2407727455

Meeting Information:

Venue: Phone Calls or Online via Zoom
Meeting day and time: Please email me to schedule an appointment.
Open To: Caregivers of Teens, Teens and Young Adults, or Caregivers with their Teen.
Fee: Free

**I am a young adult (freshman in college) providing these services. I have taken control of my OCD, and now I wish to help others. I have consulted with many caregivers, teens, and young adults, and can provide an ear, some hope, and a bit of wisdom.**

I provide:
– One-on-one consulting for caregivers of teens who are struggling to understand what their child is going through or have general questions. You can ask me anything. I am most familiar with contamination, perfectionism, ritualistic and magical thinking OCD due to my personal circumstances, but I can speak to other forms as well.
– One-on-one teen and young adult sessions. This is helpful if someone isn’t ready to join a support group.
-One-on-one sessions for caregivers and teens together to bridge the communication gap and facilitate understanding.