Mental Health Community

Support Group
Contact: Ryan Glubo

Meeting Information:

Venue: Google Meet
Meeting day and time: 2nd Tuesday of every month at 6PM EST
Open To: Everyone who is dealing with or knows someone dealing with OCD,Anxiety, and or Depression.
Fee: Free

The support group is run via Google Meet and is for adults who suffer from OCD, Depression, and/or Anxiety. It is a group for individuals to be able to listen or speak as much as they want and offer support to one another. This is not a therapist run group however a group to let others know they are not alone and a way to discuss some things that are going on. Please email me at to be added to the invite to joint the group. Also please note I am not a doctor or Therapist but someone who has gone through what others are going through and feel a support group is a great way to help let you know you are not alone.

Please email me for link to meeting