Spouse/Romantic Partner OCD Support Group

Support Group
Contact: Dr. Josh Spitalnick
Phone: 678-825-2320

Meeting Information:

Venue: Zoom
Meeting day and time: First Monday of the month at 8pm EST and the third Thursday of the Month at 4pm EST
Open To: Adults (18+) anywhere in the U.S. who have a spouse or romantic partner who lives with OCD. (**this group is not for parents or other family members, we have a separate group for Family Members**)
Fee: Free

Are you married, engaged to, or dating someone with OCD?

Join us for this free, twice a month support group providing community, support and healing, as you and other adults learn healthier ways to support your partner AND…once and for all, breakup with their OCD.

WHO: Adults (18+) anywhere in the U.S. who have a spouse or romantic partner who lives with OCD. (**this group is not for parents or other family members, we have a separate group for Family Members**)

This is not a treatment group, it’s a support group. We will not be assessing or diagnosing family members, and the expectation is that the family member/loved one in question has been diagnosed with and/or is being treated for OCD or Health anxiety. We will be discussing the do’s and don’ts of supporting a loved one with OCD or health anxiety. We will discuss family accommodations, treatment considerations, and self-care in the process. Group members will offer support, compassion, and encouragement to others in the group.

Support Group URL: For the 1st Monday of the month: https://anxietyspecialistsofatlanta.com/events/spouse-romantic-partner-monday-support-group/ and for the Third Thursday of the Month: https://anxietyspecialistsofatlanta.com/events/spouse-romantic-partner-ocd-support-group-thursdays/