In 2009, we announced that the Obsessive Compulsive Foundation had become the International OCD Foundation. This name change was to emphasize the international outreach we had already begun, and to signal our ongoing commitment to increasing access to effective OCD treatment in the United States, and around the world. To further our reach, we created the Global Partnership program to connect with similar organizations around the world whose work is in line with our mission. We have partnered with these groups in help train professionals around the globe, and to host events for OCD Awareness Week.
Please see below for a list of our Global Partners. If you are a representative of a non-profit dedicated to promoting OCD awareness, please fill out this Global Partner Application Form.

OCD Western Australia
Contact: Leigh Sheppard
Phone: +61 411 220 014
Social Media:

Mission and Goals:
OCD WA was founded to ensure people in Western Australia and beyond with OCD and Related Disorders (OCRDs) have access to the best treatment and support. Our mission is to create psychologically safe and inclusive spaces to enhance the health and wellbeing of those with OCRDs. We offer services such as social events, peer support, appointment advocacy, resources, education, and training for individuals with OCRDs, their support networks, clinicians, and educators.
Alberta Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Foundation (aocdf)
Contact: Jennifer Masek
Phone: (780) 989-9932
Mission and Goals:
Stationed out of Edmonton, the Alberta OCD Foundation (aocdf) is a non-profit organization that provides support, education and information to people who live with OCD, members, family, friends and professionals throughout Alberta. We have a website, Instagram, and Facebook for raising awareness, decrease stigma, posting resources, and programs, posting appropriate information and treatment clinics. We offer free monthly GOAL Groups in a Hall and are trialing a Caregiver support group in September 2019. We offer free recreation programs including an Ice Cream Walk, BBQs, etc as participating in Recreation Groups can enhance self-esteem and enrich skillsets including coping skills, interpersonal skills, communication skills and social skills. We currently rely on donations through the GoFundMe program to facilitate programming. We will be applying for a Raffle License and have ordered stickers, tattoos, posters, etc. We've hosted an OCD Games Night and Information Presentation during OCD Awareness Week and have presented at youth programs, the Annual OCD Conference, hospitals, etc. We were on the local news, radio, and also participated in the first Canadian Screening of UNSTUCK: an OCD kids movie. We support the province's OCD initiatives (The OCD Challengers Race in Calgary) and reply to emails of sufferers needing support.
Hablemos de TOC
Contact: Tomás Miño Landon (Psychologist)
Phone: +56973991545
Description of Organization’s mission and goals
Meeting space and psychoeducation on OCD for the Latino population, with videos, interviews with experts, documents of interest and information on Therapy based on evidence for the correct approach to OCD. In addition, courses and training instances are carried out both for parents, caregivers and patients, as well as for professionals who are interested in perfecting themselves in the subject.
Chinese Psychiatrist Association OCD Committee (CPA-OCD)
Contact: Na Liu, MD & PhD, psychiatrist, psychotherapist
264 Guangzhou Road, Department of Medical Psychology, Nanjing Medical University affiliated Nanjing Brain Hospital, 025, 210029
Nanjing, China
Phone: +86-025-82296457
Website: 中国强迫症网站 (
Description of Organization’s mission and goals:
CPA-OCD is a professional and official organization for OCD treatment in China. Our aims are to improve recognition of OCD and related disorders (OCRD), as well as strengthen early identification and early intervention of OCRD, standardize clinical diagnosis and treatment of OCRD, conduct clinical and basic scientific research, to promote evidence-based treatment of OCRD, and popularize the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of OCRD.
OCD China
Contact: Wentao Guo, psychiatrist
38 South Fuzhu road, Wuchang Street, Yuhang District, Hangzhou, 310026.
Zhejiang, China
Phone: +86-13857177375
Mission and Goals:
OCD China is in the process of formation. While we are based in Jinan of Shandong province, we are interested in connecting with individuals all around China who would be interested in becoming involved. Our mission is to help provide resources to individuals with OCD and related disorders and to their families. Our hope is to be able to raise awareness of OCD and related disorders around China, and to provide training and support for research eventually.
OCD & Anxiety Support Hong Kong
Contact: Minal Mahtani
41-A Stubbs Road
D1-18th Floor
Hong Kong
Phone: (852) 6108 1162
Contact: Paul Desgranges
71 bis, rue de la République, Vif, France
Phone: +33 1 39 56 67 22
Description of Organization's mission and goals
AFTOC stands for Association Française des personnes souffrant de Troubles Obsessionnels et Compulsifs and is the french OCD association. AFTOC is a nationwide non-profit organization founded in 1992 with the task of supporting people with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and their relatives. This association receives no subsidy, and only works with volunteers. This association is registered with the French health ministry since 2007.
OCD Ireland
Contact: Brian Davis
16A Magenta Hall, Santry, Dublin, Republic of Ireland, D09XHC7
Description of Organization's mission and goals
OCD Ireland is a national organisation dedicated to supporting individuals affected by Obsessive Compulsive
OCD Japan
Contact: Masaru Horikoshi, PhD
OCD Ohanashikai
Contact: Masatoshi Arizono
Zip 180-0006
901 Radiance Mitaka 1-23-1
Nakachou Musashino-shi Tokyo-to Japan
Website: (in Japanese)
Description of Organization's mission and goals:
“Ohanashi” means talking or chatting and “kai” means a society or a meeting in Japanese. “OCD Ohanashikai” has provided meetings to talk about OCD since 2006. OCD is still relatively unknown in Japan. However, there are many patients and family menmbers suffering from problems related to OCD. In our meetings, participants can talk about their situations and minds and may listen to psychoeducation and circumstances about the treatment. Collaborating with other psychiatric-related organizations and people is also our mission.
The Netherlands
Contact: Katrien Van den Bergh
Bijleveldsingel 32
6524 AD Nijmegen
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 6 49 28 31 89
Description of Organization's mission and goals:
OCDnet is a network of professionals, researchers and peer workers. Our aims are to improve recognition of OCD), as well as strengthen early identification and early intervention, standardize clinical diagnosis and treatment. The website offers information about OCD, treatment and research. We have also an Instagram-account for raising awareness, decrease stigma, and posting appropriate information.
The Institute of Counseling in Nigeria
Contact: Tolulope Oko-Igaire
Phone: +2348035037992
Description of Organization's mission and goals
The Institute of Counseling in Nigeria is a reputable Counseling Institute, the first of its kind in Africa, and a not-for-profit organization with the mission of leading the crusade for a mentally healthy society by training professional helpers and providing professional interventions in various fields of counseling and psychotherapy. Our goals are to provide mental health support for willing individuals and organizations, helping them to achieve positive mental health, creating awareness and providing treatment for OCD and OCD-related disorders, and promoting mental health awareness and support services to both individuals and organizations.
Norwegian OCD Foundation, Ananke
Contact: Arne Strand
Flateby, 1911, Norway
Phone: +4740103366
Description of Organization's mission and goals
The mission of the Norwegian OCD Foundation, Ananke is to advise on treatment and motivations for those who do not want treatment or do not have motivation themselves. Offer courses and lectures on OCD, Tricotillomania and skin picking to our users (patients) and their relatives. We organize meetings and events in local groups, talks with like-minded people, lectures with professionals. We assist our users and relatives in difficult cases with health authorities and patient and user representative. We also set up congresses and weekend courses with different activities like; mountain tours, horseback riding, bobsleigh courses, Musk ox safari, etc. and lectures and talks with professionals. Lastly, we also collaborate with other mental health organizations in Norway and have been a partner in planning and launching 30 OCD teams in Norway led by Gerd Kvale PhD and Bjarne Hansen PhD in partnership with the Norwegian directorate of health.
OCD Network Singapore
Contact: OCD Network Team
Block 854 Yishun Road Ring
#01-3511, Singapore 760854
Description of Organization's mission and goals
The mission of the OCD Network Singapore is to provide support, resources, and help to those affected by OCD and related disorders. We also aim to educate and empower the OCD community, as well as fostering social acceptance.
South Africa
The South African Depression and Anxiety Group
Contact: Zane Wilson and Shai Friedland
The South African Depression and Anxiety Group
P.O. Box 650301
Benmore, 2010
South Africa
Phone: 0800-567-567
Email: or
Website: and
Description of Organization's mission and goals
Celebrating 15 years of mental health and advocacy in 2010, the South African Depression and Anxiety Group is the country’s largest and most recognized mental health initiative. As the nation’s leading advocacy and educational voice on mental health, SADAG has been tirelessly committed to improving the mental health and well-being of thousands of South Africans. Mental illness, and the stigma surrounding it, is a crucial issue in South Africa, and as such SADAG is at the forefront of patient advocacy, education, and destigmatization of mental illness in the country. Its expertise lies in assisting patients and callers throughout South Africa with mental health queries.
SADAG’s programs include a network of over 180 Support Groups throughout South Africa, a phone counseling service, educational materials, newsletters, a referral service to appropriate treatment workshops and training programs, and work with school systems.
Asociacion TOC Granada
Contact: Aurelio Lopez-Reina
C/ Madrid, 74 A. Bajo 1
Monachil, Granada, 18193
Description of Organization's mission and goals
We are a private non-profit association integrated by people suffering from OCD and related disorders, and their relatives. We started our activities in December 2014.
Mission: Increase awareness, support, and help those people suffering from OCD, and their relatives, to increase their personal wellness and their social integration.
Somos una asociación privada sin ánimo de lucro, formada por personas que padecen TOC y otros trastornos asociados, y sus familiares. Empezamos nuestra actividad como asociación en Diciembre de 2014.
Informar, apoyar y ayudar a las personas que padezcan trastorno obsesivo compulsivo, así como, a sus familiares, posibilitando el bienestar personal y la integración social.
Asociación TOC Zaragoza
Contact: Yann Lana
Calle de Mariano Lagasca 13
50008 Zaragoza Spain
Phone: +34 696 62 25 21
Description of Organization’s mission and goals
TOC Zaragoza stands for Trastorno Obsesivo Compulsivo Zaragoza and is a provincewide OCD nonprofit association in Aragón (Spain) founded in 2018 with the goal of supporting people with obsessive compulsive disorder. Our association only works with volunteers and collaborates with other mental health organizations in Spain and arround the globe.
Goals of our organization include orientation, advocacy and make activities (workshops, talks, sports, dinners, etc.) for people with OCD and their families. Raising awareness through the website, social networks and educational centers. Ensure that the public health system has an OCD Unit and an OCD professional trainning program.
Services that we are providing include support groups for individuals with OCD and their families, educational talks to promote awareness about OCD and social activities to strengthen the OCD community.
Svenska OCD förbundet
Contact: Krillan Ahlsén
Svenska OCD förbundet
Svalövsvägen 1
121 53 Johanneshov
Phone: +46-8628 30 30
Description of Organization's mission and goals
The Swedish OCD Association is a nationwide non-profit association that was founded in 1989 and whose purpose is to support people with personal experience of OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) and/or OCD-related conditions and their relatives, as well as to work to ensure that these people receive better support and a better understanding on the part of society.
United Kingdom
OCD Action
Contact: Olivia Bamber
Suite 506-507 Davina House
137-149 Goswell Road
London, EC1V 7ET
Phone:020 7253 5272
Email: or
Description of Organizations mission and goals
OCD Action is a national UK charity focusing on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and related disorders. We provide support and information to anybody affected by OCD, work to raise awareness of the disorder amongst the public and front-line healthcare workers, and strive to secure a better deal for people with OCD. We are a dedicated charity with a clear vision, solid objectives, and a real understanding of OCD and the impact that it has.