What is an IOCDF Affiliate?
An IOCDF Affiliates carries out the mission of the International OCD Foundation through programs at the local community level within the United States. Each of our affiliates are non-profit organizations that are run entirely by dedicated volunteers. If you would like to find help in your community, or would like to volunteer in grassroots efforts to raise awareness and funds locally, please contact one of our affiliates below.

In addition to our current Affiliates, this page will also list the contact information for individuals or groups looking to start new Affiliates. If there is not a current or forming affiliate in your area and you are interested in starting one, please contact the IOCDF External Relations Manager, Liz Lindley at llindley@iocdf.org.
Located internationally? Check out our Global Partner Program.
Our Affiliates, listed geographically by state
Interested in helping start a NEW Affiliate in Alabama? For more information email affiliates@iocdf.org
OCD Arizona
Kristin Mervich, MSW, LCSW
Phone: (872) 333-9282
Email: info@ocdaz.org
Website: www.ocdaz.org
Area served: State of Arizona
Interested in helping start a NEW Affiliate in Arkansas? For more information email ocdarkansas@gmail.com.
OCD SF Bay Area
Cassandra Marzke
Phone: (415) 273-7273
Email: info@ocdsfbayarea.org
Website: www.ocdsfbayarea.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ocdbayarea.org
Instagram: @ocdsfbayarea
Area served: 9 Bay Area Counties — Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano, and Sonoma
OCD Sacramento
Robin Zasio, PsyD, LCSW
Phone: (916) 366-0647 Ext. 4
Email: info@ocdsacramento.org
Website: www.ocdsacramento.org
Area served: Alpine, Amador, Calaveras, El Dorado, Fresno, Madera, Mariposa, Merced, Mono, Nevada, Placer, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Stanislaus, Tuolumne, Yolo
OCD Southern California
Melissa Mose, MA, LMFT
Phone: (323) 332-1303
Email: Info@OCDSoCal.org
Website: www.ocdsocal.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/OCDSoCal
Instagram: www.instagram.com/ocdsocal
Area served: Southern CA counties including — Imperial, Kern, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, Santa Barbara, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, and Ventura
OCD Colorado
Tami Roblek, PhD
Email: ocdcolorado2023@gmail.com
Area served: The state of Colorado
OCD Connecticut
Laura Damm, Anne Yacoviello
Email: CT.ocdf@gmail.com
Website: www.ocdct.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/OCDConnecticut
Instagram: www.instagram.com/ocdct
Twitter: www.twitter.com/ocdct
Area served: State of Connecticut
OCD Jacksonville
Mike Vatter
(904) 290-8005
Email: info@ocdjacksonville.com
Website: ocdjacksonville.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/OCDJAX
Instagram: www.instagram.com/ocdjax
Area served: Northern half of Florida
OCD Central & South Florida
Marni Jacob, PhD, ABPP
(561) 325-5115
Email: info@ocdcsfl.org
Website: www.ocdcsfl.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/OCDCSFL
Area served: Central and Southern Florida
OCD Georgia
Katie Cullem, PhD
(404) 855-1722
Email: info.ocdgeorgia@gmail.com
Website: www.ocdgeorgia.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/OCDGeorgia
Instagram: ocdgeorgia
Area served: State of Georgia
Interested in helping start a NEW Affiliate in Idaho? Contact Sam Pinson for more information at ocdidaho@gmail.com
OCD Midwest
Blair Famarin
Email: info@ocd-midwest.org
Website: www.ocdmidwest.org
Facebook: @ocd-midwest
Instagram: @ocdmidwest
Area served: Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan
OCD Midwest
Blair Famarin
Email: info@ocd-midwest.org
Website: www.ocdmidwest.org
Facebook: @ocd-midwest
Instagram: @ocdmidwest
Area served: Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan
OCD Iowa
Jamie Dunn
Phone: (515) 446-8084
Email: ocdiowacommunications@gmail.com
Website: ocdiowa.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/OCDIowa
Area served: State of Iowa
OCD Kansas
William Oakley, PsyD
Phone: (913) 631-3800
Email: ocdkansas@gmail.com
Website: www.ocdkansas.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/OCDKansas
Instagram: www.instagram.com/ocd_kansas
Twitter: twitter.com/ocdkansas
Area served: State of Kansas
OCD Louisiana
Kristin Fitch, PhD
Phone: (504) 814-3623
Email: info@ocdlousiana.org
Website: www.ocdlouisiana.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/OCDLouisiana
Instagram: www.instagram.com/ocdlouisiana
Twitter: www.twitter.com/ocdlouisiana
Area served: State of Louisiana
OCD Massachusetts
Nathaniel Van Kirk, PhD
Email: ocdmassachusetts@gmail.com
Website: www.ocdmassachusetts.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/OCDMassachusetts
Instagram: ocdmassachusetts
Twitter: ocdMass
Area served: State of Massachusetts
OCD Midwest
Blair Famarin
Email: info@ocd-midwest.org
Website: www.ocdmidwest.org
Facebook: @ocd-midwest
Instagram: @ocdmidwest
Area served: Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan
OCD Twin Cities
William Schultz, LPCC
Phone: (612) 875-1890
Email: ocd@ocdtwincities.org
Website: www.ocdtwincities.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064347867191
Instagram: www.instagram.com/ocdtwincities
Area served: The state of Minnesota
Interested in helping to start a NEW Affiliate in Mississippi? Contact Marshall Goff for more information at mgoff@bglawgroup.net.
OCD Missouri
Beth Brawley, LPC, Shanda Curiel, PsyD
Phone: (314) 312-2415
Email: hello@ocdmo.org
Website: ocdmo.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/OCD-Missouri/61550909588900/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ocdmissouri/
Area Served: The state of Missouri
Interested in helping to start a NEW Affiliate in Nebraska? For more information email affiliates@iocdf.org
OCD Nevada
Kendle Kulpa
Phone: (702) 703-4246
Email: info@ocdnevada.org
Website: www.ocdnevada.org
Area Served: The state of Nevada
New Hampshire
OCD New Hampshire
Christina DeMaio
Email: info@ocdnewhampshire.org
Website: ocdnewhampshire.org
Facebook: facebook.com/OCDNH
Instagram: instagram.com/ocd_new_hampshire
Area served: New Hampshire
New Jersey
OCD New Jersey
Marla Deibler, PsyD
Phone: (732) 476-4021
Email: ocdnjmail@gmail.com
Website: www.ocdnj.org
Facebook: facebook.com/OCDNewJersey
Instagram: ocd_newjersey
Twitter: ocdnewjersey
Area served: State of New Jersey
New York
OCD New York
Fugen Neziroglu, PhD
(516) 442-9621
Email: info@ocdnewyork.org
Area served: State of New York
North Carolina
OCD North Carolina
Annette Perot, PhD
(919) 205-8623
Email: info@ocdnc.org
Website: ocdnc.org
Facebook: OCD North Carolina
Instagram: linktr.ee/ocdnc
Area served: State of North Carolina
OCD Midwest
Blair Famarin
Email: info@ocd-midwest.org
Website: www.ocdmidwest.org
Facebook: @ocd-midwest
Instagram: @ocdmidwest
Area served: Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan
OCD Oregon
Hayley Dauterman, PhD, Keegan Baurer, LPC
Email: info@ocdoregon.org
Website: www.ocdoregon.org
Area served: The State of Oregon
OCD Pennsylvania
Shannon Weise, LCSW
Website: www.ocdpennsylvania.org
Email: ocdpennsylvania@gmail.com
Instagram: ocd_pennsylvania
Area served: The state of Pennsylvania
Puerto Rico
Interested in helping start a NEW Affiliate in Puerto Rico? For more information email affiliates@iocdf.org
Rhode Island
OCD Rhode Island
Carla Kenney, MA, LMHC
Phone: (401) 484-0871
Email: info@ocdri.org
Website: www.ocdri.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/OCDRhodeIsland
Instagram: www.instagram.com/ocdrhodeisland
Area serviced: The state of Rhode Island
South Carolina
OCD South Carolina
Nolan Blair
Phone: (317) 645-5455
Email: info@ocdsc.org
Website: ocdsc.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ocdsc
Instagram: @ocdsouthcarolina
Area Served: The state of South Carolina
OCD Tennessee
Chris Pursell
Phone: (615) 461-4015
Email: TennesseeOCD@gmail.com
Website: www.ocdtn.org
Area Served: The state of Tennessee
OCD Texas
Melissa Fasteau, PsyD
Phone: (713) 424-8188
Email: president@ocdtexas.org
Website: www.ocdtexas.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ocdtexasforsure
Instagram: @ocd_texas
Area served: State of Texas
OCD Utah
Brian Coombs, MSW
(801) 808-1267
Email: brian.coombs@yahoo.com
Area served: State of Utah
OCD Mid-Atlantic
Elspeth Bell, PhD
Email: midatlanticocd@gmail.com
Website: www.ocdmidatlantic.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/OCDMidAtlantic
Area served: Maryland, Virginia, and Washington DC
OCD Washington
Erjing Cui, LMHC
(857) 323-2188
Email: info@ocdwashington.org
Website: www.ocdwashington.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ocdwashington
Instagram: www.instagram.com/ocd_washington
We are currently looking for a volunteer coordinator! Anyone interested can please email their interest to volunteer@ocdwashington.org.
Area served: The state of Washington
Washington, DC
OCD Mid-Atlantic
Elspeth Bell, PhD
Email: midatlanticocd@gmail.com
Website: www.ocdmidatlantic.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/OCDMidAtlantic
Area served: Maryland, Virginia, and Washington DC
OCD Wisconsin
Jason Niosi
Email: ocdwisconsin@gmail.com
Website: www.ocdwisconsin.org
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ocdwisconsin
Instagram: ocdwisconsin
Twitter: @Ocdwisconsin
Area served: State of Wisconsin