Training Institute Self-Assessment Test

Do you know about our 100- and 200-level offerings?

Based on the answers you have given, please continue with this self-assessment to see if a 300- or 400-level course should be your next step.  However, you may still be interested our 100- or 200-level course offerings.  Please click here to learn more.

We would recommend that you take a 100-level (Introductory) course.

Based on the answers you have given, we would recommend you begin with the 100-level (Introductory) courses. Current course offerings include online training through the Massachusetts General Hospital’s Psychiatry Academy. Access their current course catalogue here and pay special attention to the following:

  • The Fundamentals of CBT: An Interactive Online Course
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: An Introductory Online Course
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for OCD in Children and Adolescents

Do you know about the online courses through Massachusetts General Hospital's Psychiatry Academy ?

Based on the answers you have given, please continue with this self-assessment to see if a 200-, 300-, or 400-level course should be your next step.  However, you might still be interested in our 100-level online courses through MGH's Psychiatry Academy if you have not already accessed them. Access their current course catalogue as you continue your self-assessment.

200 Level Response

Do you know about the Behavior Therapy Training Institute (BTTI)?

Based on the answers you have given, please continue with this self-assessment to see if a 300-level or 400-level course should be your next step.  However, you might still be interested in our 200-level Behavior Therapy Training Institute (BTTI) course family if you have not already accessed it.  Please click here for more information as you continue your self-assessment.

We would recommend that you take a 200-level (Foundational) course.

Based on the answers you have given, we would recommend you begin with the 200-level (Foundational) courses.  Current course offerings include the Pre-Conference Training Series (PCTS) before the Annual OCD Conference, and the Behavior Therapy Training Institutes (BTTIs).  For more information about the PCTS, click hereFor more information about the BTTIs and to get on the interest list, click here.

300 Level Responses

Do you know about the Online Consultation Groups?
Based on the answers you have given, please continue with this self-assessment to see if a 400-level course should be your next step.  However, you might still be interested in our 300-level Online Consultation Groups.  Please click here for more information as you continue your self-assessment.

We would recommend that you take a 300-level (Integrative) course.

Based on the answers you have given, we would recommend you begin with the 300-level (Integrative) courses.  Current course offerings include the Online Consultation Groups.  Please click here to learn more and sign up, click here.
You should take a 400-level (Advanced) course.
Based on your results, you have placed into the 400-level (Advanced) courses. Current course offerings include the Advanced Training Forums. Click here for more information and to find out when the next offering will be.