Social media has revolutionized how we stay in touch with friends and family, how we shop, get our news, purchase the latest app for our phone… and yes, how we ask others to support us in our awareness and fundraising efforts.
The 1 Million Steps 4 OCD Walk is all about awareness, which is why social media is such an important part of the walk The only way we can break free from the stereotypes surrounding OCD is to tell the story. Maybe your story will be the thing that makes the difference!

We are inviting you to share your Walk story on Facebook and Twitter — tell us why you are walking and how you are spreading hope and awareness. Tell us which walk you will be joining (or if you’re doing a Virtual Walk in your own community). Share the post on the IOCDF Facebook page, or on your own Facebook page using the walk hashtag #1Million4OCD. Or tweet your story with the hashtag #1Million4OCD and tag @IOCDF. Or Instagram a picture of yourself in your walk t-shirt from last year’s walk. Or simply download the walk badge to use as your social media profile image for the next month. Don’t forget to include links to your Crowdrise Team page. Can you imagine if social media was inundated with these stories over the next month?
I am sure that you have heard of the “Ice Bucket Challenge” that raised millions of dollars for ALS Disease research all through the power of social media. What else did that campaign accomplish other than fundraising, though? It got people talking about ALS and brought this devastating disease to the forefront of people’s minds.
Social media gives us all a platform to convey messages to a much wider audience than ever before. It gives us the opportunity to tell our stories not just to our own friends and family, but to our friends’ friends, and so on. For more tips on how to use social media to spread the word about the 1 Million Steps 4 OCD Walk, and about OCD, click on the “Tips & Tools” tab on the Crowdrise walk pages.
So, will you walk with us on June 6, 2015? And will you share your story?
Even you if can’t attend a Walk in Boston, Sacramento, or Atlanta, you can join us in your own community as a Virtual Walker. If you register and raise $25 before Friday, May 8th, you will receive your own Virtual Walk Kit, including a walk t-shirt, pedometers, and stickers and posters to help promote your local walk.
Using social media to promote the 1 Million Steps 4 OCD Walk is simply one way in which we can come together as a community to show the world we are united in our commitment to raising awareness about OCD and related disorders. Just think about how much visibility we can gain by using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and any other platforms you share content on to get our message out to our various communities.
Please remember that if you can’t take part in any of the walks listed above, there are many fundraisers and teams looking for donors. Click here to find walkers:
And keeping sharing your Walk stories! Tweet and Instagram pictures about your Walk team using the hashtag #1Million4OCD and mention @IOCDF.
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