Online OCD Camp is coming up this January 22–23, and we’re gearing up for a weekend of interactive sessions and activities for kids, teens, and parents!
If you’re on the fence about whether to register, look no further — our previous attendees will tell you all you need to know. Read on for three reasons you should attend the Online OCD Camp, as told by last year’s campers!
1. If you have questions about your child and OCD, now is your chance to ask.
“The clinicians during parent Q&A were amazing and insightful.”
Dr. Aureen Wagner, PhD, Denise Egan-Stack, LMHC, and Jon Hershfield, MFT are just a few of the leaders in the field of pediatric OCD who will be offering sessions at this year’s Online OCD Camp. They will give your family the tools you need to challenge OCD in daily life and answer your questions.
The opportunity to interact with so many OCD experts — and families — in one place is something you won’t find anywhere else. Check out our full list of speakers.
2. It’s completely virtual — and scholarships are available.
We know that not every family can make it to our in-person events. For that reason, the Online OCD Camp is completely virtual — so you can join us from wherever you are!
Also, if the cost of the camp is prohibitive, scholarships are available for families in financial need, thanks to a generous gift from the Portland Anxiety Clinic.
3. You’ll connect with other kids and families who have OCD.
“The sense of community makes us feel supported.”
By far the most common piece of feedback we receive from kids and parents who have attended OCD Camp is that it helped them connect with other families and made them feel less alone.
For kids, Camp may be the first time they meet other kids who are just like them.
“I don't know anybody else who has OCD and it was nice to talk to other people like me.” — 2021 Camper
Meeting other kids is easy at the camp because we have activities built into the program that encourage socialization. Teens, for example, are invited to join breakout rooms based on their interests. This can make a world of difference for a kid who’s struggling with OCD.
“Knowing there are people out there just like me helped.” — Teen with OCD
The same goes for parents. Having a child with OCD can feel confusing and isolating, and knowing other parents are going through the same thing can have a huge impact.
“As a family that has been dealing with OCD for eight years, has been through therapy, and understands the basics, I think we learned the most from the Q&A sessions, where we could hear other families speak.” — Parent of Child with OCD
Online OCD Camp will take place January 22-23, 2022 for kids and teens ages 6-17 and parents/guardians. Register today and connect with others who understand!
My high functioning autistic 16 years old daugther is showing signs of OCD in the last few months , washing hands constantly , cleaning her rooms walls although her room is a messy. She has ADD too. I can’t find a good professional em Las Vegas. I never did by the way.
Hello Claudia, please email us at to connect with a resource specialist.