Search Results for: OCD support group

When Your Child Refuses Treatment

When Your Child Refuses Treatment By Fred Penzel, Ph.D. In the ideal world, everyone’s child goes to treatment willingly, does all their therapy homework, comes to their sessions prepared, and gets recovered in the shortest possible time. Unfortunately, we do

How We Help

How We Help Header

Founded by a group of people with OCD in 1986, the International OCD Foundation (IOCDF) is an international not-for-profit organization made up of people with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and related disorders, as well as their families, friends, professionals and others.

5 Reasons Not to Miss This Year’s Conference

In this guest blog post, Shala shares with us her top five reasons for attending this year’s conference. We think one of the reasons should be to hear her speak in the keynote, of course!
“Without giving too much of my keynote story away, I can easily say that the choice I made in 2010 to attend the IOCDF conference literally changed my life. If you’ve never attended before and are thinking about whether the conference is worth it, let me share the top 5 reasons why this is a conference not to miss…”

Conference Registration Now Open!!

Drumroll, please… the moment you’ve all been waiting for. We are excited to release the schedule for this year’s 20th Annual OCD Conference in Atlanta, GA, and announce that conference registration is now open. You can view the schedule and register online at