Support Groups & Treatment Groups

Shot of a group of businesspeople sitting in a circle and having a meeting in a modern office

There is a sense of community that exists in a well-run support group. It can mean finding others who know how you feel, or being seen as someone with a disorder rather than as the disorder itself. If you are reading this, you have likely been affected by OCD or a related disorder in some way, either as an individual with OCD or a related disorder, or as a family member or supporter watching someone struggle with the disorder.

While support groups are not meant to be a substitute for individual therapy, they can serve as a great step in that direction, or as an important addition to therapy, or part of a relapse prevention plan. Peers can offer something different than a therapist, and this should not be underestimated. Meeting other people going through similar situations can be very healing and beneficial — it can make people feel less lonely and isolated, as well as more connected to and understood by others.

On the other hand, treatment groups are able to be a substitute for individual therapy.  They are often more affordable treatment options for individuals, and have many of the benefits of support groups detailed above.  Treatment groups are run by licensed mental health professionals and deliver evidence-based treatment for OCD in a group setting, instead of in an individual setting.

Find a Support Group or Treatment Group in Your Area

The IOCDF Resource Directory lists over 300 support groups or treatment groups for OCD and related disorders around the world. Groups are offered for individuals with the disorder, in addition to their family, loved ones, and caregivers. Find a support group or treatment group near you.

Join an Online or Phone Support Group or Treatment Group

For many years, a small group of dedicated volunteers have been managing dozens of online support groups covering many different OCD and related disorders topics. All groups are moderated and occasionally visited by therapists who treat OCD and OC related disorders.

Please Note: The IOCDF provides links to these online support groups for the convenience of our web users. The IOCDF is not responsible for the availability or content of these external support/treatment groups or website, nor does IOCDF endorse, warrant or guarantee the products, services or information described or offered at these online support group and treatment group sites.

Online Support Groups

Support Group NameAudienceFocus
Central Ohio GOALS for OCDAdults in Central OhioOCD
COVID-19 Anxiety and OCD Support GroupChildren, Adolescents, and AdultsOCD
Cambridge OCD Support GroupAdults with OCDOCD
Jacksonville OCD Support GroupAdults near Jacksonville, FLOCD
OCD Family Support GroupAdolescents, Adults, Familes near Jacksonville, FLOCD
South Bay OCD Support GroupAdults in the Bay Area, CAOCD
Online Scrupulosity OCD Support Group Individuals who struggle with Scrupulosity OCD and their support personScrupulosity
Enso of Hope Support GroupEveryone who is dealing with or knows someone dealing with OCD,Anxiety, and or Depression.OCD
ZOOM OCD Support GroupChildren, Adolescents, Adults near MiamiOCD
GOAL Support GroupAdults in CaliforniaOCD
Parents of Anxious Kids (PoAK)Parents of school aged children with OC/Anxiety related disordersOCD
Adult OCD Support Group Adolescents, AdultsOCD
Hoarding Disorder Support GroupAdults with Hoarding Disorder in WisconsinHoarding
Rogers Behavioral Health OCD and Anxiety Support GroupAdults in WisconsinOCD
Parents of Adult Children with OCD (U.S. and Canada)
Parents of Adult Children with OCD
Bloomington/Normal, Illinois OCD Support GroupAdults with OCDOCD
Adult GOALS Support Group Adults with OCDOCD
OCD Support for Older AdultsOlder Adults with OCDOCD
Obsessive Compulsive Spectrum & Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder(Buenos Aires)OCD
OCD Ottawa Support GroupAdults with OCD who live in CanadaOCD
Louisiana Virtual Support Group for OCD and Related Disorders Individuals who suffer from OCD and related disorders, as well as their family and friendsOCD
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)
Hoarding Disorder
Skin Picking
LGBTQIA+ Affirming
Perinatal OCD
Violent/Sexual Obsessions
Pay What You Can Peer SupportAdults, Children, AdolescentsBDD,
Skin Picking,
Treatment of Co-occurring Disorders,
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD),
Eating Disorders (ED),
Substance Use Disorders (SUD),
Violent/Sexual Obsessions,
San Diego OCD Support GroupAdults in San DiegoOCD
Teen GOALS Support GroupTeens in California- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
- Perfectionism
- Scrupulosity
- Violent/Sexual Obsessions
- Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Mental Illness Caregiver Support GroupAdults in OhioTreatment of Co-occurring Disorders
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
Eating Disorders (ED)
Substance Use Disorders (SUD)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Adult OCD Support Group Adults with OCDOCD
OCD SUPPORT – RugbyAnyone effected by OCD - Minimum age 16OCD
Online Clutter Reduction Skills & Support Grouppeople looking for support with hoardingHoarding
Jefferson Center Buried in TreasuresIndividuals 60+Hoarding
Therapists with BDD Online Group Therapists and Clinicians with BDDBody Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)
OCD Writing ClubAdult with OCD (with or without a formal diagnosis)OCD
GSO OCD Family Member Support Group Family members and parents of those with OCDOCD
Skin Picking
Violent/Sexual Obsessions
Adult with OCD Adult with OCDOCD
Arlington OCD Support Group Adults and AdolescentsOCD
Kids and Teens with OCDKids and teens age 9-17 with OCDOCD
Young Adults OCD Peer Support Group Young adults who have been diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and/or Related Disorders (recommend ages 16-34)OCD
Twin Cities OCD Support Group Typically, anyone 17 and older with OCD and those that support them.OCD
ASOA Parent/Caregiver OCD Group Adults anywhere in the U.S. who serve as a parent or caregiver to a child, teen, or young adult who struggles with OCD.OCD
Violent/Sexual Obsessions
Free Online OCD Support Group for those with OCD and their loved ones Individuals with OCD and those who love them.OCD
Free – Online Peer-Led OCD Social/Support Group for Teens & Young Adults Teens (preferably 15 and above) and Young AdultsOCD
Free, Zoom – OCD Support Sessions (Private, one-on-one) Caregivers of Teens, Teens and Young Adults, or Caregivers with their Teen.OCD
OCD Support Group for Families and Loved Ones Family, friends and those affected with OCD and related disordersOCD
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)
Hoarding Disorder
Sunflower Support Group Individuals with OCD
Online OCD Support Group Adults with OCD, loved ones and professionalsOCD
Hoarding Help Help with HoardingHoarding Disorder
OCD Support Group family & friends of individuals with OCDOCD
Friends and family of OCD support group Friends and family of Ocd, Sufferers , and Ocd suffersOCD
Hoarding Disorder
Skin Picking
Perinatal OCD
OCD Loved Ones Support Group Family members/support people of individuals suffering from OCDOCD
SerenityBayWomen Christian women with OCD or women who care for someone with OCD
SerenityBayWomen Christian women with OCD or women who care for someone with OCD
OCD Support Group Individuals with OCDOCD
Anxiety / OCD Support Group Adults with Anxiety or OCD. Also Family & Friends of those with Anxiety or OCD.OCD
Hoarding Support Group Adults with Hoarding challenges. Also Family & Friends of those with Hoarding challenges.Hoarding Disorder
Adult Anxiety Disorders Support Group Current or former KCCAT patients who are thirty-somethings or olderOCD
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)
Hoarding Disorder
Perinatal OCD
Violent/Sexual Obsessions
Treatment of Co-occurring Disorders
BDD Recovery Online Support Group Individuals with BDD and family membersBody Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)
Alberta OCD Foundation Individuals who live with OCDOCD
Spouse/Romantic Partner OCD Support Group Adults (18+) anywhere in the U.S. who have a spouse or romantic partner who lives with OCD. (**this group is not for parents or other family members, we have a separate group for Family Members**)OCD
LGBTQ+ Affirming
Perinatal OCD
Violent/Sexual Obsessions
ASOA Living with OCD- For Kids! This group is designed for children ages 8-13 who have an existing diagnosis of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)OCD
LGBTQIA+ Affirming
Violent/Sexual Obsessions
Treatment of Co-occurring Disorders
OCD Parent Support Group
Parents of individuals with OCDOCD
Boulder OCD Support Group Individuals with OCD and Family membersOCD
Virtual OCD Support Group for Christians Those who would like to understand OCD and anxiety through a biblical viewpoint, and break freeOCD
Free Texas OCD Support Group Adults with OCD in TexasOCD
LGBTQIA+ Affirming
Perinatal OCD
Violent/Sexual Obsessions
Online Group Treatment for Hoarding Disorder MA AllHoarding Disorder
Free Monthly OCD support Group Adults accross the U.S. with OCD and OC spectrum conditionsOCD
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)
Hoarding Disorder
Skin Picking
LGBTQIA+ Affirming
Perinatal OCD
Violent/Sexual Obsessions
Eating Disorders (ED)
Treatment of Co-occurring Disorders
OCD and Parenting
Parents of children with OCDOCD
Parents of Teens and Young Adults with OCD Parents of teens and young adults with OCDOCD
Christians with OCD, Main Group Christians with OCDOCD
Friends with OCD Those of us who have been diagnosed with OCDOCD
OCD Tribe those facing daily thoughts and compulsions from an obsessive compulsive disorderOCD
Obsessive Skin Pickers and Hair Pulling Anonymous Those suffering from Dermatillomania, Excoriation Disorder, or Compulsive or Obsessive Skin PickingSkin Picking
OCPD Support Group Those with Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder and their loved onesOCD
San Francisco OCD OCD
San Francisco OCD OCD
ANXIETY Peer-led support group for adults struggling with anxiety, OCD or panic attacksOCD
Bedford OCD and Anxiety Support Group Individuals with OCD and their support people, friends and family members welcomeOCD
Cherry Hill OCD Support Group Adults, teens, and children with OCD and family membersOCD
East Bay OCD Support Group Those with OCD, anxiety, and/or depression, as well as family members and friendsOCD
DMV (DC, Maryland, Virginia) Support Group 18+OCD
Skin Picking
Roanoke, VA OCD Support Group Individuals who have OCD, or who think they may have OCD, and family members of people with OCD.OCD
Hoarding Disorder
Skin Picking
LGBTQ+ Affirming
Violent/Sexual Obsessions
New Braunfels OCD Support Group Individuals with OCD and/or related conditionsOCD
LGBTQ+ Affirming
Violent/Sexual Obsessions
Treatment of Co-occurring Disorders
Bend OCD Peer Group Individuals with OCDOCD
Skin Picking
Violent/Sexual Obsessions
Treatment of Co-occurring Disorders
OCD Peer-Run Support Group (MHASF) Adults in San Francisco with lived experience of OCDOCD
Bay Area BFRB group Anyone with a BFRB 18+Skin Picking
Anxiety & OCD Sufferers Support Group (adults only) Individuals struggling with anxiety or OCD who are 18 years old or older
Perinatal OCD
Anxiety Center of Tampa Family Support Group family members of individuals with OCDOCD
Treatment of Co-occurring Disorders
support for oCD family members with OCD and suopport group for teensOCD
Hoarding Disorder and Buried in Treasures Support Group only people with HDHoarding Disorder
Buried in Treasures Impacted, (those with HD) after application/selection process. In current cohort are 11 participantsHoarding Disorder
Ocd Resources Education to Guidance Individuals with Ocd/Related Disorders, family and friendsOCD
Hope For Recovery – Virtual OCD Fellowship Anyone who has or thinks they may have OCD, and family members of those with OCDOCD
OCD Research, Education, and Support Group People with OCD, loved ones of those with OCD, OCD professionals and researchersOCD
Visual Tourettic OCD Warrior Badass Tribe Individuals with lived experience of Visual Tourettic OCD /Ocular Tourettic OCD / Starring OCDOCD
Fairfield County OCD Support Group Adults, Teens, and Children with OCD, as well as parents of children and family members/friends of those with OCD.OCD
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)
Hoarding Disorder
Skin Picking
Perinatal OCD
Violent/Sexual Obsessions
Treatment of Co-occurring Disorders
Anonymous (OCA) – First Toronto AllOCD
Perinatal OCD
National OCD Support Group Spain individuals with OCDOCD
Cultivating Curiosity, Courage & Compassion Adults struggling with OCD in need of some connection and supportOCD
Cultivating Curiosity, Courage & Compassion for Teens Teenagers with OCD that are currently in treatment or have graduated from treatment.OCD
Free, Zoom – OCD Support Sessions (Private, one-on-one) Caregivers of Teens, Teens and Young Adults, or Caregivers with their Teen.OCD
Mental Health Professionals with OCD Mental health professionals who themselves have OCDOCD
Nutrition & Mental Health: Interactive Coaching Group Adults struggling with OCD, Anxiety and/or Depression who are in a stable position in their recovery journey, and would like to improve their Nutrition and Well-being with gentle and simple healthy habits. This group may not be suitable for people who struggle with Eating Disorders or BDD. Please, check with your therapist if you have any doubts about whether or not to participate in a group like this.OCD
Resolvve OCD Support Group Individuals With OCDOCD
LGBTQ+ Affirming
Pittsburgh Bridges OCD Anyone with OCD ages 16 and up and their loved onesOCD
Perinatal OCD
Violent/Sexual Obsessions
Portland OCD/Anxiety Group for Adults Adults with OCD, Anxiety, Social Anxiety, BDD, etc.OCD
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)
Perinatal OCD
OCD/Anxiety Disorders Support Group Greece Individuals with OCD and/or Anxiety Disorders and those who love themOCD
Support for OCD (Every other Thursday 7:00 PM Eastern Time) Open to individuals with OCD and related disorders. IndividualsOCD
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)
Skin Picking
Perinatal OCD
Violent/Sexual Obsessions
Substance Use Disorders (SUD)
Jewish OCD Support Group Jewish individuals and their loved ones, who are living with OCDOCD
Free Virtual OCD Support Group Adults experiencing OCDOCD
Anxiety in Athletes Support Group 14-25 year olds and student athletes struggling with anxiety, OCD, and sport performance anxietyOCD
Parent and Caregiver Support Group Adults supporting children, teens, spouses or partners suffering from OCD or anxiety.OCD
Support group for Evidence-Based Therapists Evidence-Based Therapists looking to enhance professional and personal life.OCD
ASoA Health Anxiety Support Group Adults (18+) anywhere in the U.S. who are looking for support around managing heath anxiety and hoping to connect with other health anxiety sufferersOCD
ASOA BFRB Support Group Adults (18+) who struggle with Trichotillomania, Dermatillomania and other Body-focused Repetitive BehaviorsSkin Picking
OCD (Purple) Support Group Individuals with OCDOCD
ONLINE LDS Faith and OCD Support Group Adults who struggle with OCD and are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day SaintsOCD
OCD NAMI Connection Recovery Support Group Individuals with OCDOCD
OCD Centre Manitoba Various groups for people experiencing OCD and/or hoarding disorder.OCD
Hoarding Disorder
Austin Hoarding: HOPE – Hoarding Overcome through Perseverance and Earnestness Anyone with an interest in overcoming hoarding behavior, or helping someone else overcome hoarding behavior.Hoarding Disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Anonymous (OCA) Individuals with OCDOCD
Club TOC LATAM Pacientes y familiaresOCD
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)
LGBTQIA+ Affirming
Perinatal OCD
Treatment of Co-occurring Disorders
OCD Support Group Adults (18+) with OCD & Related DisordersOCD
Graduate Students and Early career Mental Health Professionals with OCD Graduate students in mental health fields or recently graduated students from mental health programs with OCDOCD
Medical Professional with OCD Individuals who are providing medical care and also have OCDOCD
OCD GOALS Support Group Adults in PennsylvaniaOCD
Hoarding Disorder
Perinatal OCD
Peer Led OCD Support Group Individuals suffering with OCD/OCD Spectrum Disorders (ex. hoarding, harm)OCD
Skin Picking
Violent/Sexual Obsessions
TOC SIN MIEDOS personas con toc y todos sus familiares, padres, madres, parejas , etcOCD
Hoarding Disorder
Skin Picking
Perinatal OCD
Create Anyway Individuals with OCDOCD
Talk TOC Family, Partners and Friends Spanish Speaking Family, friends and couples. NO PATIENTS.OCD
Skin Picking
Perinatal OCD
Violent/Sexual Obsessions
Talk TOC Grupo de Apoyo Mutuo Spanish Speaking OCD former patients, current patients, suspicious OCD suffererOCD
Skin Picking
Perinatal OCD
Violent/Sexual Obsessions
Substance Use Disorders (SUD)
BiTA ~ Buried in Treasures AUSTRALIA: HOARDING Peer Support Group *AUSTRALIAN RESIDENTS* experiencing challenges around excessive acquiring, saving and hoarding behavioursHoarding Disorder
Peer to Peer OCD support group (free) Adults with OCD and their familyOCD
Richmond OCD Support Group Any adult with OCDOCD
Ottawa GOAL Group (Virtual) Adults with OCD living in Ontario, CanadaOCD
OCD and Eating Disorders Online Therapy Group Adults resideing in all PsyPact states who have OCD and Eating DisordersOCD
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)
Hoarding Disorder
LGBTQIA+ Affirming
Perinatal OCD
Violent/Sexual Obsessions
Eating Disorders (ED)
Treatment of Co-occurring Disorders
Supervision and Consultation Group for Clinicians Treating OCD and Eating Disorders Therapists and dietitians who work with and are interested in supervision and consultation regarding the treatment of co-occurring eating disorders and OCDOCD
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)
Hoarding Disorder
LGBTQIA+ Affirming
Perinatal OCD
Violent/Sexual Obsessions
Eating Disorders (ED)
Treatment of Co-occurring Disorders
The BFRB ChangeMakers Global Adult Support Group Adults 18+ with Body Focused Repetative Behaviors (BFRBs) Hair Pulling Disorder, Skin Picking Disorder, Nail Biting DisorderSkin Picking
OCD Support Group of Gloucester County, NJ individuals with OCD and family members and loved ones of people with OCDOCD
Skin Picking
Perinatal OCD
Violent/Sexual Obsessions
Drop-in Support Group for Hoarding Behavior Individuals who identify as someone with Hoarding Behavior (must be a California resident)Hoarding Disorder
Men with Hoarding Behavior Support Group Men who identify as someone with Hoarding Behavior (must be a California resident)Hoarding Disorder
Family & Friends Support Group for Hoarding Behavior Spouses, siblings, parents, family and friends of those with hoarding behavior. (MHASF has a separate group for adult children of parents with hoarding disorder, must be a California resident)Hoarding Disorder
Adult Children of Parents with Hoarding Behavior Support Group Adult children of parents with hoarding disorder (must be a California resident)Hoarding Disorder
Clearing House Support Group for LGBTQ Seniors 55+ with Hoarding Behavior LGBTQ+ seniors 55 and older with hoarding behavior (must be a California resident)Hoarding Disorder
OCD Warrior Badass Tribe: Game & Vibe All of the amazing and awesome OCD Community!Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)
Hoarding Disorder
Skin Picking
LGBTQIA+ Affirming
Veterans Issues
Perinatal OCD
Violent/Sexual Obsessions
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
Eating Disorders (ED)
Substance Use Disorders (SUD)
Treatment of Co-occurring Disorders
Peer Led Minority OCD Support Group any minority individuals that suffer with OCD and/or OCD related issuesObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Peer Led Women’s OCD Support women with OCDObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Jewish Adults Support Group Jewish Adults in any locationTreatment of Co-occurring Disorders
Young Adults OCD Peer Support Group Young adults who have been diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (16+)Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Mississippi OCD Support Group This group is a good fit for those who have been diagnosed with OCD, want some additional practices and perspectives on treatment, feel stuck at only “somewhat better” in their OCD treatment, are family of someone with OCD, aren’t able to afford full-cost therapy with an OCD therapist right now, or feel like nobody around them gets it. Go to to learn more.Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Virtual OCD Support Group for Adults Adults with OCDObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Perinatal OCD
TOC Puerto Rico Virtual Group Personas con TOCObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Perinatal OCD
Central NJ (VIRTUAL) OCD Support Group individuals with OCDObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
OCD Family Support Group Loved ones of individuals with OCD — family, parents, spouses, etc.Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Support Group for Families coping with PANS/PANDAS or Other Inflammatory Brain Disorders All individuals impacted by these immune-mediated disordersObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Treatment of Co-occurring Disorders
Houston OCD Support Community Those who suffer from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder or related conditions, their caregivers, friends, and family membersObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)
Skin Picking
LGBTQIA+ Affirming
Perinatal OCD
Violent/Sexual Obsessions
Outlive OCD Adults, young adults, and teensObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Skin Picking
Violent/Sexual Obsessions
OCD Parent & Caregiver Peer Support Group | Nova Scotia [Canada] Parents and caregivers of youth (children and young adults) with OCD in Nova ScotiaObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Adult OCD, ERP, and Compassion Young Adults with OCD and BFRB'sObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Skin Picking
LGBTQIA+ Affirming
Violent/Sexual Obsessions
OCD therapeutic support group individuals with OCDObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
BDD Caregivers Support Group Parents, partners, friends, family members of people with BDDBody Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)
Taboo OCD Support Group Individual with OCD who have been diagnosed with taboo OCD Themes, family members are also welcomeObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Violent/Sexual Obsessions
Hope for OCD Adults with OCD or adult family members of individuals with OCDObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Young Persons OCD Support Group Young people 16+ with OCDObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Nashville OCD Support Group for Friends & Family Partners, family and friendsObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Buried in Treasures Workshop People struggling with moderate sto severe clutterHoarding Disorder
Alberta OCD Foundation Family & Caregiver OCD Support Group Family members and caregivers who live in Alberta of someone who lives with OCDObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
AMI-Quebec – Anxiety/OCD Support Group anyone with OCD challenges and family and friends of those with OCDObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Nova Scotia CMHA – OCD Parent & Caregiver Peer Support Group Nova Scotians across the provinceObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
OCA Toronto First/Obsessive Compulsive Anonymous Toronto Those with OCD as well as their supportersObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
OCD North – Support Group for Parents and Caregivers of Children with OCD: Drop-In Virtual Support Group Parents and caregivers across CanadaObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Parents of Adult Children with OCD (US and Canada) Parents of Adult Children (minimum age 18) with OCD, from the U.S. and CanadaObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Sunnybrook OCD Family Support Group in conjunction with Hope + Me, Frederick W. Thompson Centre for Anxiety Disorders and Mood Disorders Association of Ontario Anyone over 18 who is a family member or loved one supporting someone with OCD. Must live in OntarioObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Courage to Caregivers Any caregiver with a family member with a mental illness, including OCDObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
OCD Support Group for Families and Loved Ones Family, friends and those affected with OCD and related disordersObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
OCD Warriors (Peer support for kids and teens)
Kids and TeensObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Ocd Resources and Guidance International Individuals, Loved Ones and FriendsObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Treatment of Co-occurring Disorders
OCD Support Group Adults with OCDObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
LGBTQIA+ Affirming

Phone Support Groups

Online Treatment Groups

Treatment Group NameAudienceFocusFee
Living Free with OCDPeople with OCDObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)$90 per session + Screening
Seattle OCD and OC-Related Disorders Support GroupSufferers of OCD and OC-Related DisordersBody Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)|Eating Disorders (ED)|Hoarding Disorder|LGBTQ+ Affirming|Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)|Perfectionism|Scrupulosity|Skin Picking|Substance Use Disorders (SUD)|Tics/Tourettes|Treatment of Co-occurring Disorders|Trichotillomania|Violent/Sexual Obsessions$20
OCD Support Group for Adults and Adolescents (13+)OCD Sufferers Ages 13+Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)|LGBTQ+ Affirming|Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)|Perfectionism|Perinatal OCD|Scrupulosity|Skin Picking|Substance Use Disorders (SUD)|Treatment of Co-occurring Disorders|Trichotillomania|Violent/Sexual Obsessions$20
Navigating OCD support group for Young AdultsYoung adults 18-25 years old.Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)|Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)|Perfectionism$20
Grouport OCD Supportindividuals 18+ with OCDObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)|Substance Use Disorders (SUD)$35
Virtual Adolescent Anxiety GroupAny adolescent struggling with an anxiety-based disorder and looking for additional support.Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)|Eating Disorders (ED)|LGBTQ+ Affirming|Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)|Perfectionism$40
OCD Family Member Support GroupFamily members (aged 18+ unless accompanied by parent) of those with OCDObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)$40
Adult OCD Support GroupIndividuals who are 18 years and older suffering from OCD or an OC Spectrum Disorder.Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)|Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)|PANDAS/PANS|Perfectionism|Scrupulosity|Skin Picking|Trichotillomania|Violent/Sexual Obsessions$40
Adult OCD Therapy & SupportAdults with OCDLGBTQ+ Affirming|Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)|Perfectionism$40
Compassion Focused Therapy GroupAdult residents in California with hoarding or cluttering challenges$50
OCD Recovery GroupIndividuals returning home from in-patient treatment for OCDObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)$30.00 per group
Cultivating Curiosity, Courage & CompassionAdults struggling with OCD in need of some connection and supportObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)$300 total for 6 sessions
DBT and Life Skills for Autism Spectrum (Adult Group)Adults with Autism on the spectrumAutism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)$35 a Group Meeting
DBT and Life Skills Autism Spectrum Teen GroupTeens with Autism SpectrumAutism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)$35 for each Group Session
Adolescent OCD Support GroupOlder children and teensBody Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)|LGBTQ+ Affirming|Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)|Perfectionism|Perinatal OCD|Scrupulosity|Skin Picking|Tics/Tourettes|Trichotillomania|Violent/Sexual Obsessions$50 each group
Buried in Treasures WorkshopIndividuals struggling with too much stuff / hoarding behaviorsHoarding Disorder$120 (Scholarships may be available)
ERP and ACT Skills for Life with OCD (10-week psychoeducation/skillbuilding group) Adults and adolescents (age 14+) with OCD looking to learn ERP/ACT skillsOCD
LGBTQIA+ Affirming
Violent/Sexual Obsessions
$5 to $80 (income-based sliding scale)
Adolescent Cognitive Behavioral Therapy/Exposure Response Prevention GroupAdolescents with OCD or anxietyObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)Insurance is billed for groups
Anxious in Austin Adults living with OCD, anxiety disorders, and related concernsObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Treatment of Co-occurring Disorders
$60 per session
OCD Therapeutic Support Group
Individuals 18+ years of age diagnosed with OCDObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)$35
Genesee Valley Psychology OCD Exposure (ERP) Group
People with OCDObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
LGBTQ+ Affirming
Perinatal OCD
Violent/Sexual Obsessions
Covered by insurance or sliding scale
Virtual OCD Group For Youth Youth 12 and up with OCD or similar symptomsObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Skin Picking
Treatment of Co-occurring Disorders
Virtual Caregiver BFRB Group Caregivers of children, youth, adults with Body Focused Repetitive BehavioursSkin Picking
BFRB Group for Adults Individuals with Body Focused Repetitive BehavioursSkin Picking
OCD Caregiver Support Group Caregivers of children, youth, adults with OCD, Pans, Pandas, or OCD tendenciesObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Hoarding Disorder
Perinatal OCD
Violent/Sexual Obsessions
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
Treatment of Co-occurring Disorders
OCD Group for Adults Individuals with OCD or similar conditionsObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)
Hoarding Disorder
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
Treatment of Co-occurring Disorders
Adult BFRB Group Adults with BFRBsObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)
Skin Picking
$30 a meeting
Skin Picking Cessation Challenge Individuals who struggle with skin pickingSkin Picking$210 for the 6 week series
ERP for Parents Parents, caregivers, and family members of children with OCDObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)$175
Managing Childhood Anxiety (SPACE informed group) Caregivers of children (ages 5-12) with OCD or anxiety disordersObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)$125/session
Parenting Anxious Kids Parents of children/adult children with OCD or other anxiety disordersObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Violent/Sexual Obsessions
Treatment of Co-occurring Disorders
Postpartum Anxiety & OCD Treatment Group Individuals with perinatal or postpartum anxiety or OCDObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Perinatal OCD
Treatment of Co-occurring Disorders
ASOA Adult OCD/Health Anxiety Skills Group Adults 18 or older who have been diagnosed with OCD or health anxiety, and have not been hospitalized for safety concerns in the last 6 months.Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Perinatal OCD
Violent/Sexual Obsessions
$90/session, $720 total
Disentangle: An OCD Skills Class IndividualsObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)$360-$450
OCD Treatment Group for Adults Adults (18+) with OCD or a related disorderObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
$50 per session
BFRB Treatment Group for Adults in WA State Adults (18+) with OCD or a related disorderSkin Picking
$50 per session
Compassion Focused Therapy for Hoarding California-based adults experiencing hoardingHoarding Disorder$75 per session x 20 sessions + $75 for assessment
OCD CBT Group Adults with a diagnosis of OCD. This is not a replacement for 1:1 ERP therapy. Rather, it is a supplement to individual therapy or good for people who just graduated from 1:1 treatment.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)120
DBT-Lite for High-Achieving/Perfectionistic Adults Adults experiencing anxiety, perfectionism, and any other form of overcontrol.Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
LGBTQIA+ Affirming
$125/week with sliding scale spots available
OCD Support Group Individuals with OCDObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Violent/Sexual Obsessions
$100 (in-network for Medicare)
Emetophobia Treatment Group Individuals with emetophobiaTreatment of Co-occurring Disorders$70/session
OCD Group Therapy Adults with OCD and related conditionsObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)
Skin Picking
Violent/Sexual Obsessions
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
$65 per session
OCD Skills & Support Group Adults with OCDObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
LGBTQIA+ Affirming
Perinatal OCD
Violent/Sexual Obsessions
OCD Busters 101 Adults With OCD or Adults Living With Someone with OCDObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Skin Picking
Violent/Sexual Obsessions
$20 each session
CAOCD Adult OCD Support Group (Virtual) Adults with OCDObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)$75/ group session
Break free from OCD online group therapy Adults 18yrs and upObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)$90 per session. 10 sessions
Virtual I-CBT 12 Week Skills Group Adult OCD Sufferers residing in AZ, MN, or NMObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)$125
Teens Fighting Back Against OCD Teens age 14-19 with OCDObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Violent/Sexual Obsessions
$50 per session
Challenging Obsessions by Practicing Exposure (COPE) Adults with OCDObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)Can accept Aetna and United insurance; Private Pay cost is $60
Advanced OCD Support and Strategies Group Adults 18 and over with some experience in using strategies in managing OCDObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
LGBTQIA+ Affirming
Perinatal OCD
$60 per session
OCD 101 for Beginners Adults 18 and overObsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
LGBTQIA+ Affirming
Perinatal OCD
Violent/Sexual Obsessions
$60 per session

Do you run a support group or treatment group? Add it to the Resource Directory!

If you already run a support group for OCD and related disorders in your area, you can create a free listing in our Resource Directory to help more people find your group. Add or update your support group or treatment group listing.

Start a Support Group of Your Own

Can't find a group in your area? Consider starting your own! You don't need to be a mental health professional to run an effective support group. Take a look at our Guide to Starting a Support Group.